Montessori learn to read approach provides children a prepared environment to explore and discover themselves instead of guiding and teaching them what they have to do and how?
Language Development in Montessori is one of the key areas. Every parent wants to know how to start reading with young kids.
Montessori deals reading with funful, sensory and hands on material and activities rather than memorizing and cramming the words which make them a fluent reader.
We can’t teach reading to a child. Reading required enrich reading environment where a child can explore, create and discover letters, sounds, words and sentences. They develop reading skills according to their ability and time span.
One important thing is that never compare your child with other kids.
Every child has different genetic qualities, interests and learning styles which make them unique child. We should believe that every child is unique.
One question which is asked frequently!
How do I teach my child to read?
In Montessori approach it is not really about an adult teaching a child specifically how to read in a sense we normally think of it.
It is not about memorization, jolly skilled sessions and thousands of flashcards. It is much more about helping your child to explore, to discover and to find joy in this ability they suddenly have now that they can read on the basis on prior experiences that we have provided.
The ultimate goal is to help our child discover that they can read on their own terms.
There are many approaches helping your child to learn how to read in Montessori environment.
You can come across of them Pink, Blue and Green series, Mirror Duarte approach.
Here are some first couple of steps of Mirror Duarte approach what I will consider for early stages to learn to read in Montessori way.
Table of Contents
1: Build Rich Vocabulary
This is something that should be happening from the moment of birth in all homes there is no reason to wait on this. This is true that babies under the age of 1 they are absorbing the all sounds of the language that they are hearing in their own home environment and these entire little building blocks store all this information in their brain just like little sponge.
Even you feel your little baby is not 100% understanding what are you saying trust me it all counts and it is going to make a difference in a long run.
Speaking and Singing
So, first thing to make sure that you are providing rich vocabulary to your child through speaking and singing on daily basis.
One more thing when you are talking with your child you should use correct names of things. They need to hear correct vocabulary of the world.
Give them exposure of the world use as much correct vocabulary as you can. Because they have absorbing minds and they this is the age when they can absorb and express all this information later.
Recite rhymes and poems
You should recite poems and rhymes with your child. Eventually your child will sing only last sentence and gradually we will hear that that they will be singing complete rhyming in other room even when you are not around him. Poems, rhymes and music will develop interest and concentration span of your child and they will be able to differentiate between different sounds and different sounds. This ability will help them in long run when they will start reading. They will be able to differentiate between letter name and sounds. They will sound out words much better.
Reading Everyday
This is most important and crucial thing that you could be doing to help your child eventually read on their own.
Because modeling is wards act. They will see you reading books and if you involve them in reading and describing pictures sitting in your lap will develop love for reading as well as a strong bonding between both of you.
Its all about the exposure the more exposure they have the much better they will be.
2: Sound Game (I Spy)
When your child is 2 and a half year old then you should play sound game with your child.
You can play this game easily at home. You will focus on the beginning sound of anything in the beginning and then gradually you will focus on other sounds.
Because this easiest way to identify and recognize the beginning sound of the word.
First Step
At the step 1 you will ask the key phonics and use only one object. So give them an object in hand and say
I spy with my little eye
Something that begin with the sound ”p”
and your child has the object already in hand and he will look at the object first then got p p p p pen. It will be very successful and make your child excited.
Once your child is able to identify the beginning sound of 1 object then increase the quantity of objects. put 3 to 4 objects in front of your child and ask beginning sound of each object.
Second Step
If your child is able to identify the beginning sound then move on to the next step.
At this step child will identify the ending sound of the word. This is little harder concept for a child to grasp but there is an easy way to introduce it.
For example if you
I spy with my little eye
Something that begin with “b” sound and end with “x” sound.
Give time to your child to fill the gap he will try to complete the word “box”. It starts with the b sound and end with x sound.
Third Step
When your child is able to identify the ending sound then start asking middle sound of the word with the same example box .What is the middle sound of box.
Hopefully that is the point when your child is able to tell that o sound is in the middle of box.
Always try to ask three letter words as this is the easiest way and child can give you correct answers so children will be encouraged.
Keep one thing in mind that we are not using any letter symbol at this stage. We are developing phonetic awareness verbally. Through oral language we will say words; children will hear, identify and tell the sound.
In this way they will start taking interest in sounds. This interest will bring them towards reading books.
3: Introduce Sandpaper letters
At this stage we will introduce letters to a child through sand paper letters. Sand paper letters are Montessori material which is made of wood and letters are pasted with sand paper.
Children trace the letter with 2 fingers with proper direction.
These sand paper letters develop sensory memory because children touch and feel letters through tracing. While tracing letters are formed in their mind for long term.
3 to 4 letters are introduced at a time through 3 period lessons.
1st Period
Adult says the names of letters
This is S
This is A
This is T
This is P
In this period adult tell the names and sounds of letters to children.
2nd Period
Using names of letters adult will ask questions like
Where is “t”?
Can you show me “s”
Please put “a” on the head.
Please give me “p”
3rd Period
In this period children will tell the letter. Adult will show the letter and adult will tell. Adult point the letter and ask
What is this?
Once child is able to identify and tell all letters then move to next level that is moveable alphabets.
4: Moveable Alphabets
Moveable Alphabets are made up with very fine quality. All letters are placed in different boxes in different quantity. Children can hold letters in hands properly. Consonants are in red color and vowels are in blue.
Firstly get your child familiar with the box so that they could know the place of each letter.
Then let them make words. You say a word and they will place letters to make words. At this stage children make 4 and five letter words phonetically so ignore their spelling mistakes.
For example if you say a word “butter” and child “butr” then encourage him.
5: Object Boxes
Provide different objects to a child. Firstly child will tell the names of objects and arrange them in line.
Adult will write a name of object on a paper and ask a child
Can you guess the name of object? Place this paper besides the object.
Child will read the name and place the name according to the object.
6: Activity cards
Action words like
run, jump, hop, stomp, spin, sit, stand, go, stop words will be written on paper. Child will read and act accordingly.
7: Puzzle Words
Puzzle words are those words which are not read phonetically like I, because, there, cough, my
Children memorized these words through 3 period lessons.
So, following these 7 steps we introduce reading to young kids in Montessori way. Child starts to build their own words and sentences instead of cramming.
These all are the guideline related to Montessori learn to read.