why montessori is bad

Educationists has made different educational approaches to make learning easy and interesting after a long research. Every educational approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. We can’t say that this educational approach is bad. Similarly Montessori approach which is discovered by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1906 is very effective but it has some negative points as well.

Montessori is very Expensive

montessori is very expensive

First of all Montessori system is very expensive. Because this system needs to provide a prepared environment where all things should be child sized. That’s why Parents prefer Montessori systems because children enjoy playing with the given material. There are different areas which are equipped with appropriate material. For examples Exercise of Practical Life caters all those activities which make a child an independent individual. This area needs their special tools, place and racks. Similarly sensorial activities provide opportunities to learn through trial and error. Phonics, reading and writing, Mathematical Developmental, science and geography, art and craft corners are created in real Montessori system. This material is too expensive to buy all at once. Normally what do people do that they buy some material and place in racks so class looks like a Montessori but it does not fulfill the Long Term Effects of Montessori System.

Montessori Needs Proper Trained Teachers

Secondly, this system needs proper trained teachers, who should know how to facilitate a child, what are developmental stages, how to cater inner urges which lead children to development. Because Montessori system Organization need to spend handsome amount on staff training as well because courses of Montessori are also very expensive.

Children are used to work in peace and calm environment.

montessori need peace and calm environment

Thirdly, Children are used to work in peace and calm environment. And when they move to traditional institutes where students are too noisy and loud they don’t feel comfortable in such environment.


Teachers give special, individual attention and care in Montessori

teachers give special attention

Fourthly, Teachers give special, individual attention and care in Montessori. They teach them in small groups or individually which is not possible in traditional system. These children are habitual of warm and cozy environment and when they go in higher classes then these kids face problem. Nowadays IQ intelligent quotient does not matter but Emotional Quotient matters a lot.