What does a Montessori teacher do
What does a Montessori teacher do

What does a Montessori teacher do?

Montessori teachers are like friendly guides in the classroom. They help children learn on their own and become better at it. They watch, help, and guide children in their learning adventure.

Table of Contents

Observing and Understanding

Observing and Understanding
Observing and Understanding


  • Montessori teachers watch and listen to students carefully. They notice what each child is interested in, how they learn, and how they interact with others.
  • They observe to understand what challenges a child might be facing or when they’re ready for new and more challenging activities.

Understanding Individual Needs

  • Each child is unique, and Montessori teachers work to understand what makes each child special.
  • They figure out how a child learns best and what topics or activities excite them the most.
  • By understanding these things, teachers can create a learning plan that suits each child’s needs.

Being Patient and Supportive

  • Montessori teachers are patient and give children time to explore and learn at their own pace.
  • They offer support when a child needs help or guidance but also step back when the child is confidently working on their own.

Tailoring Education

  • Based on what they’ve observed and understood about each child, Montessori teachers can offer lessons and activities that are just right for them.
  • They might suggest different challenges or materials to keep the child engaged and growing.

Building a Connection

  • By getting to know each child personally, Montessori teachers build a strong connection with their students.
  • This helps create a safe and trusting learning environment where children feel valued and understood.

Lesson Presentation

Lesson Presentation
Lesson Presentation

Prepare the Environment

  • Before presenting a lesson, the teacher makes sure the classroom is organized and neat.
  • They arrange the materials needed for the lesson on a special shelf, so they’re easy for the child to access.

Invite the Child

  • The teacher invites a child to join them for the lesson. They do this in a calm and friendly way, respecting the child’s choice to participate or not.

Use Hands-On Materials

  • Montessori lessons often involve special materials that the child can touch, manipulate, and explore.
  • The teacher shows the child how to use these materials step by step.

Show, Don’t Just Tell

  • Instead of talking a lot, the teacher demonstrates how to use the materials.
  • This hands-on approach helps the child understand better.

Let the Child Try

  • After the demonstration, the teacher lets the child try it on their own.
  • The teacher is there to help if the child has questions or needs assistance.

Encourage Exploration

  • Montessori teachers encourage children to explore and discover things for themselves.
  • They don’t rush the child or take over; they let the child learn at their own pace.

Observe and Adjust

  • While the child works, the teacher watches closely to see how they’re doing.
  • If the child needs more guidance or challenges, the teacher adjusts the lesson accordingly.

Offer Positive Feedback

  • Teachers give praise and positive feedback to acknowledge the child’s effort and achievements.
  • This helps boost the child’s confidence and motivation to learn.

Respect the Child’s Independence

  • Montessori teachers aim to foster independence, so they gradually step back and let the child work on their own.
  • The child gains a sense of accomplishment by doing things independently.

Nurturing Independence

Nurturing Independence
Nurturing Independence

Encouraging Decision-Making

  • Montessori teachers encourage children to make choices. They might ask, “Which activity would you like to do?” or “What work are you interested in today?”
  • This helps children learn to make decisions and feel more in control of their learning.

Allowing Self-Correction

  • When a child makes a mistake, Montessori teachers often let them try to fix it themselves.
  • This helps children learn from their errors and become more self-reliant problem-solvers.

Promoting Self-Care

  • Montessori classrooms often have activities related to taking care of themselves, like dressing, washing hands, and cleaning up after snacks.
  • Children are encouraged to do these tasks independently, which builds their self-confidence.

Providing Freedom Within Limits

  • Montessori teachers set clear boundaries and rules, but they also give children some freedom to explore and learn on their own.
  • This balance helps children develop a sense of responsibility and respect for rules.

Letting Children Work at Their Own Pace

  • Montessori classrooms allow children to choose their activities and work on them for as long as they like.
  • This fosters a sense of independence because children can decide what they want to learn and when to move on to something else.

Building Problem-Solving Skills

  • Montessori teachers encourage children to figure things out for themselves. If they have a problem, they might ask questions like, “How do you think you could solve this?”
  • This helps children become better at finding solutions independently.

Praising Efforts and Achievements

  • Montessori teachers give positive feedback to acknowledge when a child tries hard or accomplishes something.
  • This boosts a child’s self-esteem and encourages them to keep trying new things.

Facilitating Peer Collaboration

Facilitating Peer Collaboration
Facilitating Peer Collaboration

Encouraging Teamwork

  • Montessori teachers create opportunities for children to work in pairs or small groups.
  • They encourage children to help each other and complete tasks together.

Sharing and Taking Turns

  • In group activities, children learn to take turns and share materials.
  • This teaches them to be patient and considerate of others.

Problem-Solving Together

  • When children face challenges, Montessori teachers guide them in finding solutions as a team.
  • This helps children learn to cooperate and brainstorm ideas.

Peer Teaching

  • Montessori classrooms often have older children helping younger ones.
  • When a child learns something new, they might teach it to a friend, reinforcing their own learning.

Communication Skills

  • Montessori teachers encourage children to express their ideas and listen to others.
  • Children learn to communicate effectively and respect different points of view.

Respectful Interactions

  • Montessori emphasizes treating others with kindness and respect.
  • Children learn to work together in a harmonious and considerate way.

Valuing Diversity

  • Montessori classrooms often have students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Children learn about different cultures and perspectives, promoting tolerance and empathy.

Adapting to Individual Pace

Adapting to Individual Pace
Adapting to Individual Pace

Personalized Learning

  • Montessori teachers understand that not all children learn the same way or at the same speed.
  • They allow each child to learn at their own pace, whether they are quicker or need more time.

Tailored Challenges

  • Teachers provide materials and activities that match each child’s abilities and interests.
  • If a child is ready for more advanced work, they get it. If they need more practice, they get that too.

Individual Progress

  • Montessori teachers keep track of each child’s progress based on their development, not their age.
  • This ensures that every child can move forward when they are ready.

Avoiding Pressure

  • Children in Montessori classrooms don’t feel rushed or pressured to keep up with others.
  • They can focus on mastering skills at their own pace, which reduces stress and anxiety.

Building Confidence

  • When children succeed in their own time, it boosts their confidence.
  • They learn that they are capable and can trust themselves as learners.

Encouraging Independence

  • Allowing children to go at their own pace promotes independence and self-motivation.
  • They learn to take the initiative in their learning journey.

Assessment and Record-Keeping

Observing and Watching

  • Montessori teachers’ pay close attention to each child’s actions, interests, and progress.
  • They observe how the child works with materials and interacts with others.

Documenting Progress

  • Teachers keep records or notes about what they see during these observations.
  • This helps them understand each child’s strengths and areas where they might need more help.

Individualized Learning Plans

  • Based on their observations and notes, teachers create personalized plans for each child.
  • These plans guide the child’s learning journey and help them reach their full potential.

Adjusting Teaching

  • If a child is struggling with something, the teacher can change the way they teach or provide extra support.
  • If a child is excelling, they can offer more challenging materials.

Celebrating Achievements

  • Montessori teachers celebrate each child’s accomplishments, whether big or small.
  • This boosts the child’s confidence and motivation to keep learning.

Parent-Teacher Communication

  • Teachers often share their observations and assessments with parents.
  • This helps parents stay informed about their child’s progress and how they can support them at home.

Supporting Special Needs and Diverse Learners


  • Montessori classrooms are welcoming and open to all children, regardless of their abilities or differences.
  • Everyone is treated with respect and kindness.

Individualized Support

  • Montessori teachers work closely with each child to understand their unique needs and challenges.
  • They create personalized plans to help the child succeed.

Adapted Materials

  • Teachers may modify or create special materials to support a child’s specific needs.
  • These materials make learning more accessible and enjoyable.

Collaboration with Specialists

  • If a child requires extra help, like speech therapy or occupational therapy, Montessori teachers collaborate with specialists.
  • They work together to provide the best support for the child.

Patience and Understanding

  • Montessori teachers are patient and understanding. They give children the time they need to learn and grow.
  • They celebrate every achievement, no matter how small.

Embracing Diversity

  • Montessori classrooms often have children from different backgrounds and cultures.
  • This helps all children learn about the world and develop respect for others.

Encouraging a Love of Learning

Creating a Stimulating Environment

  • Montessori classrooms are filled with interesting materials and activities that spark a child’s curiosity.
  • Children have the freedom to explore and choose what they want to learn, which makes learning fun.

Following Their Interests

  • Teachers pay attention to what each child is interested in and offer related materials.
  • When children learn about things they’re passionate about, they naturally love to learn.

Making Learning Hands-On

  • Montessori education uses special materials that children can touch, manipulate, and interact with.
  • This hands-on approach makes learning enjoyable and memorable.

Encouraging Questions

  • Montessori teachers welcome questions from children and encourage them to ask why, how, and what if.
  • This shows children that their curiosity is valued.

Fostering Independence

  • Montessori teachers allow children to make choices about their learning.
  • When children have a say in what they study, they feel more motivated and excited to learn.

Celebrating Achievements

  • Teachers praise and acknowledge children’s efforts and accomplishments.
  • This boosts their self-esteem and makes them eager to continue learning.

Making Learning Meaningful

  • Montessori education often connects learning to real-life experiences.
  • Children see how what they’re learning is relevant and useful, which makes learning more enjoyable.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration

Parent-Teacher Collaboration
Parent-Teacher Collaboration

Open and Frequent Communication

  • Montessori teachers and parents regularly talk to each other about the child’s progress and experiences at school.
  • This helps both sides stay informed and work together effectively.

Sharing Information

  • Teachers share what they observe in the classroom, including the child’s achievements, challenges, and interests.
  • Parents also share information about their child’s experiences at home.

Setting Goals Together

  • Parents and teachers discuss the child’s learning goals and create a plan to help the child succeed.
  • This ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives.

Involvement in the Child’s Education

  • Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education.
  • They may be invited to classroom events, meetings, and workshops to learn more about the Montessori approach.

Supporting Consistency

  • When parents and teachers have a shared understanding of the child’s needs and routines, they can provide consistent support at home and in school.
  • This consistency benefits the child’s overall development.

Problem-Solving Together

  • If a child faces challenges or needs extra support, parents and teachers collaborate to find solutions.
  • They work as a team to address any concerns or difficulties the child may have.

Celebrating Achievements

  • Parents and teachers celebrate the child’s accomplishments together.
  • This reinforces the child’s sense of achievement and motivation to learn.

Professional Development

Professional Development
Professional Development

Lifelong Learning

  • Montessori teachers believe that learning doesn’t stop after they become teachers. They keep learning throughout their careers.

Staying Updated

  • Teachers attend workshops, courses, and conferences to learn about new teaching methods, materials, and educational research.
  • They stay informed about the latest developments in education.

Deepening Montessori Knowledge

  • Teachers study the Montessori method in more depth. They explore how to apply it effectively in their classrooms.

Improving Teaching Skills

  • Professional development helps teachers become better at what they do. They learn how to communicate with children, manage classrooms, and support diverse learners.

Sharing Knowledge

  • Montessori teachers often share what they’ve learned with their colleagues. They collaborate and exchange ideas to improve teaching practices.

Adapting to Change

  • Education is always evolving. Teachers need to adapt to new trends and approaches to provide the best education for their students.

Meeting Certification Requirements

  • Many Montessori teachers need to complete specific training and professional development hours to maintain their certification.

Commitment to Montessori Principles

Commitment to Montessori Principles
Commitment to Montessori Principles

Embracing Montessori Values

  • Teachers believe in the fundamental values of respect for each child, independence, and a love for learning.
  • They fully support the Montessori philosophy.

Creating a Prepared Environment

  • Teachers design their classrooms to match the Montessori principles of order, accessibility, and independence.
  • They create an environment where children can explore and learn freely.

Using Montessori Materials

  • Teachers use the unique Montessori materials that promote hands-on learning and understanding.
  • They believe in the power of these materials to help children learn.

Fostering Independence

  • Montessori teachers encourage children to do things on their own and make choices.
  • They believe that independence is vital for a child’s development.

Following the Child’s Lead

  • Teachers pay attention to each child’s interests and readiness to learn.
  • They adapt their teaching to match the child’s pace and needs.

Respecting the Child

  • Teachers treat each child with respect, as an individual with unique abilities and potential.
  • They trust that children can take an active role in their own learning.

Professional Growth

  • Montessori teachers continue to learn and grow in their careers, staying updated on Montessori methods and best practices.
  • They are committed to ongoing improvement.


I am a Montessori Teacher. I have been teaching early year kids for last 10 years. I give value to innate potential of each child. I facilitate young children's learning and thinking through Montessori approach that encourages child's-initiated learning. I believe in educating the whole personality of a child, encouraging them to explore their interests in different ways and promoting curiosity of mind, freedom of spirit and passion of learning. To achieve this my different pedagogical styles, provide opportunities which enable children to discover knowledge and build on their individual strengths.